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- Weekly regulars' table in the Leonardo Da Vinci, im Gries 8, 86179 Augsburg-Haunstetten
- Joint trips to classic car meetings in the region
- Joint participation in classic car events
- Joint participation in classic car rallies
- Planning and organization of the Augsburger Zirbelnuss Oldtimer Rallye
- 1 x yearly event lasting several days, e.g. visit of the Mille Miglia, e.g. visit of the Classic Days at Schloss Dyck, e.g. visit of the Oldtimer Grand Prix at the Nürburgring
- Joint visits to classic car fairs, Retro Classics Stuttgart, Klassikwelt Bodensee, Auto e Moto d'Epoca Padua, Classic Expo Salzburg
- Barbecue on our property in Seestall (Report 2016)
- anniversary celebration